Friday, February 22, 2013


Yesterday wasn't a great day of eating habits for me.  I did pretty well through breakfast and lunch, but after lunch I was still hungry, so I ate my afternoon snack a little early.  The real problem came when I was starting to cook dinner and I was very hungry again.

Now, there are a few things I try and do to make sure that my hunger is actually hunger and I'm not just bored or thirsty.  Dehydration can frequently show its symptoms in hunger.  So when I feel hungry the very first thing I do is drink a large glass of water.  Recently, I've been staying very adequately hydrated drinking about 2 liters of water a day in addition to multiple cups of tea.

So as I was cutting potatoes and cutting broccoli I just had to have something to eat.  Since I'd already eaten my snack a jacks and had a mandarin I went for whatever was in the cabinet.  This was Japanese snack mix. If you don't know what it is, it's a mix of crackers and nuts with Japanese styles and flavoring.  It's pretty good and under usual circumstances it's not a terrible snack.  I, however, ate way too much and ended up being incredibly full by the time my delicious dinner came around.  I still ate dinner and ended up being uncomfortably full.

So, the point of today is remembering how eating too much made you feel.  Because of the extra snacks I was unable to fully enjoy my very delicious (and healthy) dinner.  The next time I feel hungry before dinner I need to remind myself what I felt like last night.  And make a healthier decision, such as a small piece of fruit, or a few cut up vegetables.

Live and learn.

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