Thursday, February 28, 2013


I thought I had all the motivation I've needed, but this past week I've seriously been slacking when it comes to working out.  I have been eating relatively healthy, being active, and still my weight is downtrending, but I'm still not exercising the way I should be to reach my healthy lifestyle goals.

I have been walking and generally moving more.  I've been doing things such as trying to burn more calories by standing when I do things, like posting this blog for example.  Don't get me wrong, I've lost 1/2 a kg in a week, and that's definite progress.  I can lose more weight if I increase the amount of exercise I'm doing.

So, next week I'm going to start doing my work out tapes again.  I feel better after doing them than if I just do a simple 45 minute walk.  Maybe I'll be extra motivated and end up doing both? We'll see, but I want to hold myself accountable.

I have the motivation, I have a wedding coming up, and more importantly I have not so healthy numbers surrounding my health statistics.  That is all the motivation I need.

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