PCOS is polycystic ovarian syndrome.  It effects women as young as 11 and it's estimated that 1/10 women in the United States has PCOS.  I am one of these women.

PCOS is a hormonal disease characterized by the woman having too much testosterone and other typically male hormones that are found in the female body.  The increase in male hormones in the female body causes improper regulation of menses which leads to missed, irregular and extremely heavy periods.

The other big problem with PCOS is that women become insulin resistant which frequently leads to diabetes or pre diabetes.  Some suggest that women with PCOS have normal or levels of insulin that are too high, but cannot properly use it.  This excess in insulin causes more of the male hormones to be released which then leads to acne, weight gain, excessive hair growth and problems with ovulation.

A primary concern for women with PCOS is the ability to get pregnant.  Thankfully a lot of women with PCOS are able to conceive by taking metformin or other medications prescribed to people with type 2 diabetes.

The cysts that develop can be very painful.  Usually through regular use of birth control the cysts can go away because hormones become regulated. 

Thankfully I was diagnosed at a young age and currently have no cysts on my ovaries but I do have excess acne, excess facial hair and an excessive amount of weight on my body.  I'm working to change that but with all the crazy things that go on with my hormones it's challenging, but not impossible.  

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