Sunday, March 3, 2013

Back On The Wagon

I wouldn't necessarily say that I've been off the wagon, but more like hanging on for dear life.  I have not been working out as well or as often as I should and although my eating habits have been better than in the past they have not been ideal.  Last night we had people over for dinner.  I made hot dogs, hamburgers and macaroni and cheese.  They wanted a taste of a real american bbq, and this was all I could think of.  Plus, it's still winter and too cold to actually stand outside and grill something.

I did pretty well; I ate one hot dog and one hamburger.  I probably should have skipped the bun on the hot dog, but too late for that now.  I had a very small serving of macaroni and cheese.  Where I really went wrong was the two, er, three cupcakes.  I ate one during the cooking phase and then had two while our guests were here.

This morning I did pretty well, I've already exercised.  Because my workouts have been moderate walking I started with a tape, 20 minute zumba express.  I'll do this for another day or two before increasing to the 45 minute cardio and rotating in taebo and P90X cardio.  I made this commitment and today I'm reaffirming it.  I don't know where I am on the wagon, but I'm not off.  Still hanging on for dear life probably, but I'm still there.

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