Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Babe, Hide the Chocolate

Does anyone know where I can buy some self control? When it comes to chocolate I have literally zero. Living in the southern part of The Netherlands has turned me into something of a chocolate snob. The chocolate here is pretty much the same as Belgium chocolate because it's so close to Belgium. When it comes to eating plain chocolate I have to eat dark, I do not find milk chocolate (that I used to eat by the bagful) at all appealing.

I eat chocolate every day or pretty close to everyday. It makes me feel less deprived and lots of studies show that people who eat chocolate daily weigh less than people who don't AND dark chocolate is full of antioxidants. That's a win-win in my book.

This win-win situation, however, is only win-win if I don't eat an entire bar of hot chocolate in one night.  I eat one to two pieces an evening after dinner.  I'm sad to admit that I have zero self control and because I spend most of my days at home alone I have to have Rogier hide the chocolate from me.  Sad but it is what it is.  Anyway, last night Rogier and I went to the store to buy some miscellaneous things and I also bought a 82% dark chocolate bar.  I ended up eating 4 squares before I finally asked (told) Rogier to hide it from me.

I'm not counting it as a whole healthy day disaster but I did have some guilt about it afterward.  Today is a new day and so far it's been going better.  I had a great workout at the gym this morning and have been on track health wise all day.

How do you handle feelings of food guilt after an accidental binge? How do you recover?


  1. Oh man. I have a serious problem with Hershey bars in the freezer. I eat them all! haha. Then I feel guilt, but then I go running the next morning and feel better :)

    1. Glad to know I'm not the only one who suffers form this habit :)
