Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Keep Moving Forward

Today was something of a struggle at the gym. I tried to do my 4X1 running/walking intervals again, but was only able to get through 2 1/2 intervals before I had to stop. I ended up being on the treadmill for only 15 minutes and running was only 11 of them. I did finish my cardio with 10 minutes on the stationary bike and 10 minutes on the stair climber for 35 minutes of cardio.

Even struggling with running I'm still hitting my goals for each day. I also know that some days running will be harder than others, even after I'm able to run for more than a few minutes at a time.  Everything I do is helping me reach my goals, even if I stumble along the way. Tomorrow I plan on doing a spin class and then attempting to run again on Friday.  Keep moving forward. That's what I have to do.  I will not allow one hard day, one day off track stop me.

Eating wise things have been pretty on track. I may or may not have finished a bag of Easter colored peanut m&m's yesterday, but I still came in under my calorie count (1,545, Net 1,175). I don't want to be putting crap into my body, but I love the Easter colored m&m's. They're so pretty! The only real reason I bought them was because of their color. Long story short, I can still not be trusted around chocolate. Lesson learned, time to move on.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my nutritionist and she was pretty astonished by how much weight I had lost and how different I looked since our first appointment 6 weeks ago. I love getting compliments and having people notice my efforts. I'm doing this for myself, not for anyone else, but it's still nice to have people take notice.

I also think that blogging is keeping me on track. I was talking to friend yesterday about how I always thought twice about what I was eating because I knew that I'd end up regretting it twice: once after I was finished with whatever I shouldn't have been eating and a second time when I spilled it here.  She reminded me that there was a third time for regret, when I get on the scale. Touché.

Keep moving forward is my motto of the day. Keep moving forward because moving forward means moving closer to my goals.

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