Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Gym Annoyances

this was me this morning 
There are several things that annoy me while I'm at the gym. Things I try to ignore and stop myself from seeing. A lot of the time because it involves me judging people. Like the women who jack up the incline on the treadmill and then hold on for dear life for an hour and a half while they "work-out." Or the women who lean on the elliptical and move at a crawl pace. People talking on the phone, and taking too long on the equipment when they're not really using it. Those things annoy me, but I can ignore them because it's not my business and I should be nicer. (Be nicer has been on my New Year's resolution list since I was 11). Still needs improvement. 

The one thing that I absolutely can't stand is when the gym is messy and people don't clean up after themselves. I get to the gym every morning right when it opens. It's my humble opinion that whoever is the last employee at the gym at night should clean up after the people who don't do it themselves. That seems like it would be in the job description. And honestly, how hard is it to rerack the weights you use?! It's not. 

Today I got to the gym right a 8am. Usually the employee working opens the doors around 7:55, but there's one guy who won't open the doors until precisely 8am. That's fine, except that today he didn't open the doors until 8:05. Usually this wouldn't bother me, but today I wanted to get to yoga at 9. That gave me only 55 minutes to get through my work out. By the time I had my shoes on and was in the workout area it was 8:10. 

There is a little section of the gym with yoga mats, a stability ball, a bosu ball, and some other equipment. I choose to do my free weights here as to avoid the muscle men who like to throw weights around in the free weight section. It was a disaster. The mats were not in order, weights were everywhere, the step up blocks were turned over. So with my minor OCD habits I had to fix everything before I could start. 

By the time I finished it was 8:15 and I needed to do my entire arm workout and try and squeeze some cardio in before 9 am. 

So I powered through 8 upper body exercises: 
pushups 3 sets of 10 
tricep dips 3 sets of 10 
chest press on the stability ball 3 sets of 10 with 10kg weight in each hand 
shoulder press on the stability ball 3 sets of 8 with 7kg weight in each hand 
hammer curls 3 sets of 10 with 10kg weight 
lying tricep press 3 sets of 10 with 7kg weight
barbell bicep curls 3 sets of 8 with 20kg bar 
overhead tricep extension 3 sets of 10 with a 10kg dumbbell

Also, I ALWAYS rerack my weights. Always. Even today when I was super short on time.  

I then only had 20 minutes left for cardio. I did 10 minutes on the stationary bike and 10 minutes walking on the treadmill. Since I've stopped trying to run my ankle hasn't given me any more problems, so for the mean time I'm going to put my running goals on the back-burner. 

I made it to yoga in with seconds to spare and then did a 45 minutes yoga class. 

My weight climbed from yesterday :( It's continually frustrating especially when I'm calorie counting, eating healthy, and working out hard. 

We'll see how things play out. I may have to go back on medication for my PCOS, regardless of the horrible side effects if I can't get back on track.  

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