This morning I thought I would take it a little easy and do yoga. My muscles have been sore. Now let's start with a bunch of wedding blogs telling me that yoga is a good way for stressed out brides to relax. I also know that it's got a ton of health benefits. I've done yoga maybe twice, but I really want to start working it into my work out 2-3 times per week, at least once a week it'll have to be on top of cardio because I work out 5 days a week, and bumping it up to 6 just isn't on the table right now, but maybe eventually.
Any who, I bought a yoga for beginners DVD that has 4 different types of yoga. I started with just the regular one. Well to cut to the chase I was even more sore after the work out than when I started. Yoga is no joke and the entire time I was thinking there's no way this is the beginners DVD, but then I looked up some advanced poses and quickly realized I was definitely in the beginners video. It was super hard and I felt pretty good after wards, but I still felt like I needed cardio. I was in no shape to be doing a work out DVD so I decided on a walk. Well about two hours later I still hadn't been for a walk and I had even talked myself out of going. I had about a 10 minute conversation with myself, I do this a lot, but don't worry I promise I don't argue with myself, so I'm not crazy ;). I ended up talking myself into going and told myself that it just had to be short- 10 minutes. Well I ended up going for just over 20 minutes and I felt great. I am proud of myself. I talked myself out of and back into an exercise. This is a small victory, and I'm celebrating it.
My eating habits have continued to improve throughout the week and I haven't been doing any unnecessary snacking, also a good thing and my weight is now heading back in the direction it should be. I take two rest days on weekends and my weight always seems to jump on Mondays. I'm sure there's a correlation so I'm going to make the fiancee walk with me every night and see if that helps. Also try and keep my snacking in check since weekends are seriously bad. I know this however, and I'm not in denial about it. I just need to take action. We'll see how this weekend goes.
I'm also debating trying No Excuses Boot Camp Online. I saw it on Fit to the Finish, one of the weight loss blogs I follow. Diane is awesome, follow her. Anyway, it seems to work for a lot of people. Still thinking about it. I even have a few recruits, my mom and one of my bridesmaids, to do it with me. I need to make a decision by tonight. Stay tuned.
Stay positive.
Stay positive is right! Sounds like you're on the right track :) I actually have never tried yoga, but I think it's WAY harder than it looks like.